Eucs are listed on the ISGA’s SafePlants for Gliders…
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Euc Safe Wood Lists for birds
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“also they love fresh branches of eucalyptus this can keep them busy for hours pulling all the leaves off and just enjoying all the gum nuts.” “Another toy treat that my birds love are branches. I try to put new … Continue reading →
“The best perches are the natural hard woods such as manzanita, ribbon wood and eucalyptus (very hard when it dries). Other woods may or may not be safe but it is best to stick to one of the three mentioned … Continue reading →
Eucalyptus and Sugar Gliders
The ISGA (International Sugar Gliders Association) has designated that Eucalyptus Globulus aka Blue Gum (the only kind we grow and sell) is a “Safe Plant” for sugar gliders. According to the Tasmanian Primary Industries and Water Department: “Sugar gliders have … Continue reading →
Budgerigars and Their Affinity with Certain Eucalyptus Species. by Peter McLaren B.A.
Many bird species in Australia and elsewhere feed on the cambium sap of various trees. In northern European and American forests woodpeckers feed on the cambium sap of a number of deciduous tree species. This however, tends to be seasonal … Continue reading →
Eucalyptus and Parrots
“I can see that, there is a big grove of E. camaldulensis var obtusa growing in a park in Brownsville TX and the Mexican parrots love them, it can get pretty noisy!” “I always load my Parrots cage up with … Continue reading →