We have hundreds of happy customers who were surprised to find that their pets like Eucalyptus so much.
- Sugar gliders nibble and bite the big, beautiful leaves.
- Birds chew thru the bark to sharpen beaks and to get the nourishment inside.
- and both birds and gliders alike enjoy the smooth-skinned branches and perches…
- Free Eucalyptus seeds with any order. Just let us know you want to try out your own green thumb!!!
The Aroma of Eucalyptus is WONDERFUL! Eucalyptus smells really great… even when the product ages and dries out. Dried Eucalyptus is great for potpourri. When burned or boiled, the leaves make their entire home smell better. See a video below of one of our happy customers sugar gliders, chowing down on a fresh Eucalyptus chew stick and leaf.
We have 13 acres of wooded land off the northern California coast, which happens to have GOBS of fresh clean Eucalyptus trees and redwoods. Since the property is so remote (1/3 mile from the ocean, 2 miles south of Fort Bragg, CA, pop. 6,000), our Eucalyptus trees (eucalyptus globulus aka Blue Gums) are all-natural and have NEVER BEEN SPRAYED, contaminated or altered.
How we got started… One day, a lady came by asking if she could buy some Eucalyptus branches to sell for bird perches – saying that she found that many species of pet birds favor the anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial quality of Eucalyptus perches, even over Manzanita and Birch. So we put together a simple web-page and by chance, some glider owners from Australia wrote to us and mentioned that their gliders LOVE fresh Eucalyptus, and the Eucalyptus were actually VERY HEALTHY for them, so we started to provide fresh cut leaves and small chew sticks in various sizes for our new little friends… and wow, the response has been amazing! FYI, many, many of our faithful followers come from www.GliderCENTRAL.net, a community of thousands of wonderfully, loving glider owners.
In fact, some gliders have been reported to take to Eucalyptus like cats take to catnip… they shake excitedly and run around and horde the leaves in their sleep houses – perhaps they are instinctively reminded of home – nevertheless, I guess it’s VERY cute to experience! Sugar gliders come from Tasmania and Australia, some of the only countries in the world where Eucalyptus are native, and grow wild.
“My gliders love ‘em!”
Try some, risk free. We stand by our products, every time, so if your pets don’t like their Eucs, or you’re not happy with your order in any way — if the leaves are too wilted (with summer temps > 100 degrees, it happens), or a spider gets stuck in the bag and freaks you out, or I, or one of my granddaughters who help me out, has a brain lapse and forgets to ship your chew sticks – we’ll always replace the product with more than you ordered, or I have no trouble refunding your money – no hard feelings. We love making people happy, so let us know how we can help you and your pet(s) enjoy the wonder of the magical Eucalyptus tree. (btw, every box we’ve ever shipped had the word “ENJOY!” hand-written on the outside… just a personal note that we hope things work out for you and your little friends)
“I’ve only fed my guys Eucalyptus once and they absolutely loved it. I’ll have to get them some more.”
Wanna try growing your own Eucalyptus trees? Free seeds with any order… just ask! We’re happy to throw in some eucalyptus seed pods. A page of instruction will be included, too, that I copied from a University of California research page on the best methods for planting and growing eucalyptus. (Hey, I’d love to see Eucalyptus all over the world, as they really are amazing in so many ways.)
We have proudly served and supplied HUNDREDS of satisfied customers. We offer only the freshest, hand-cut clippings at reasonable prices.
Let us know what we can do for you.
Thanks much, and ENJOY!
– Matt